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We are H World International - and this is how we work.
Why you should join our team
We are diverse
We offer a blend of different cultural backgrounds and personalities – passionate about hospitality and celebrating diversity

We are rooted
We cherish our tradition of reliability and warmth – in the essence of european hospitality

We collaborate
We are committed to collaborate and learn from each other, partners and customers

We provide opportunities
We provide growth and development on the global stage.

We embrace our mistakes
Our ability to accept criticism helps us transform mistakes and errors into opportunities.

We work sustainably
We seek to make the world a better place. Be fair, thoughtful and committed.

We respect each other
Our work is characterized by respect and by tolerance for each other, our guests and our partners.

We all benefit
We offer competitive benefits to all our employees: entry-level applicants and experienced professionals.

We are agile
We rely on fast, fair and clear decisions – while avoiding unnecessary reporting structures and red tape.

We are profitable
Sound investment and an efficient use of our resources boost our profitability.