Do the right thing. Even when no one is looking.
As a globally operating company, we bear a special responsibility for people and the environment. Accepting this and adopting it as the maxim governing our actions is an integral element of H World International's self-perception. This does not mean that we merely comply with applicable law and existing guidelines: Using our corporate values of trust, transparency and integrity as foundations, we have laid down binding requirements for all company divisions and departments as well as business relationships: our Code of Conduct.

Code of Conduct
Under the umbrella of H World International, employees from a wide variety of occupations transport our vision into the world. We are proud of this, of our diversity and our trusting and reliable international partnerships. We nurture and promote these. Also by committing to the utmost standards of integrity. As a company and in all our business relationships. Our Code of Conduct reflects the principles by which we as H World International act worldwide.
Global responsibility
We intend to create a working environment in which all people are valued and respected and our employees are able to give their very best wherever they are in the world.
Business ethics
We expect ourselves and our business partners to act ethically and in accordance with our Guiding Principles.
Environmental responsibility
We bear responsibility for present and future generations. It is with this in mind that we are working to further improve environmentally friendly processes.
Bribery and corruption
We are committed to acting with integrity. We have zero tolerance for corrupt practices of any and all kinds at any time.
Equal opportunities
We intend to offer all applicants and employees equal working conditions. Safe, secure and non-discriminatory.
Confidentiality and data protection
We adhere to strict data protection requirements and act to ensure that anyone who provides us with data can have faith in it being handled securely.
We unite employees worldwide in one team. By practicing shared values and continuously developing ourselves further, we increase trust and confidence in ourselves as a company steeped in tradition. Our corporate governance system supports us in this endeavor and also helps us to identify, assess and monitor risks within the company.

Business Partners Code of Conduct
We trust in and rely on common ethical principles in all our business relationships. Our Business Partners Code of Conduct sets out concrete and binding minimum standards as well as rules applying to collaboration with H World International.
Global working conditions
We are committed to protecting international human rights and also assume responsibility for the employees of our partner companies. With the aim and objective of a safe and appreciative working environment worldwide.
Fair market behavior
We condemn violations of competition rules in any and all forms. We comply with applicable laws on antitrust and competition and do not tolerate any illicit agreements in our business relationships.
Responsibility for the environment and nature
We are responsible for the world we leave to future generations. Together with our partners, we work to promote environmentally friendly processes and are committed to protecting our natural resources.
Transparent business relationships
We have zero tolerance for corruption. Binding rules for transparency and a commitment to combat corrupt practices of any and all kinds characterize our partnerships and influence our choice of new business relationships.
Protection of data and company assets
We respect the material and intellectual property of third parties. We protect trade secrets and also oblige our business partners to comply with strict data protection and confidentiality rules.
Whistleblowing. Anonymously and confidentially.
Acting with integrity does not mean merely doing the right thing when nobody is looking. It also means blowing the whistle on misconduct. And being able to count on support.
That's why we have the HWI Speak-Up Line, our whistleblowing system. Employees, business contacts and customers can use our Speak-Up Line to report compliance violations. Without any fuss and anonymously. Serious tip-offs help us protect our company, our business partnerships and individuals. Of course we always respect the legitimate interests of the individuals concerned, both in the process itself and in the investigation.
Do you have any suggestions or questions about compliance topics? Just get in touch with our International Audit, Risk & Compliance Department.